Office of the Washington State Climatologist


May 18, 2023

Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center released new seasonal outlooks today and our outlook page has been updated.

February 16, 2023

Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center released an updated seasonal forecast today. The WA temperature and precipitation outlook for March and March-May has been updated on our website as well.

January 19, 2023

Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center updated their seasonal outlooks today. Find out what that means for Washington State here.

July 21, 2022

Climate Outlook Updated

An updated temperature and precipitation outlook from the Climate Prediction Center was released today. Find out what this means for WA here.

June 16, 2022

Climate Outlook Updated

An updated seasonal forecast from the Climate Prediction Center was released today. Here’s what it means for Washington State!

April 21, 2022

Climate Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center updated their seasonal forecasts today, and those updates are now reflected in our outlook.

March 18, 2022

Climate Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center updated their seasonal forecasts on March 17, and those updates are now reflected in our outlook.

January 20, 2022

Climate Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center updated their seasonal outlooks today and they are summarized for WA on our outlook page. It seems obvious, but this question should be approached critically. Formulate the goal as specifically as possible: do you want to convey knowledge to the participants, thank partners, raise money for a project, or bring aesthetic…

December 16, 2021

Climate Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center updated their seasonal outlooks today and they are summarized for WA on our outlook page. Эти отходы дорого обходятся не только семейному бюджету, но и окружающей среде. Недавние исследования по этой теме трудно найти, но в 2007 году исследователи из Стокгольмского института окружающей среды изучили потребление подарки для маленькой принцессы в…

November 18, 2021

Climate Outlook Updated

The Climate Prediction Center released their latest seasonal outlooks today. The outlooks for WA are described here.

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