The daily and monthly cloud data file format is a comma-delimited text file. The data was derived from the average hourly cloud cover from sunrise to sunset, in oktas. Clear denotes an average sky cover of 0-2 oktas. Partly cloudy denotes an average sky cover of 3-5 oktas. Cloudy denotes an average sky cover of 6-8 oktas. NaN = not a number (missing data) defined as... Daily Data: If more than 2 hours of observations are missing, the day is marked as NaN. Monthly Data: If more than 5 days of observations are missing, the month is marked as NaN. ************************** Header for each data type ************************** Daily Data: year, month, day, avg cloud cover (in oktas) Monthly Data: year, month, avg cloud cover (in oktas), # days clear, # days partly cloudy, # days cloudy For additional information, visit