Climate Inventory Map
This utility is meant to assist users in finding climate and past weather information around the state of Washington. Using the form below, a Google map will be generated based on the selected weather observation parameters or data types (i.e. temperature, precipitation, etc.). For each data type listed, there is a map of hourly, daily, and monthly data sets from various networks such as ASOS/AWOS, RAWS, COOP, SNOTEL, AWN, AGRIMET, CORIE, buoys, and various Canadian networks. Icons or markers will be plotted on the map representing the stations associated with the various networks. Clicking on a station will reveal information about the station and provide a link to instructions ("Data Access Instructions") on how to obtain data from that station. For further information and instructions on how to use the maps, click here. * It is highly recommend that users use the free Firefox web browser or the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE11) to access these maps for much faster load times. For users of FireFox, the default option ("Firefox/Other") is recommended. If you are
using Internet Explorer or notice slow performance when using the default option, it is recommended that you select the "Internet Explorer (IE)"
option and select a quadrant of the state to view using the state graphic (which will be displayed when you select the "Internet Explorer (IE)"
option). Otherwise load times are likely to exceed 1-minute.